KLSE Online, Market, Charts and Information

Welcome to my KLSE online information about KLSE market, chart analysis and other fundamental information. This is just a collection of my investing notes about the Malaysian stock market. I have been dabbling in the Malaysia KLSE share market for quite some time now, although I not a great investor and I do have my fair share of misses. So far I seem to be doing fairly alright.

Personally I'm not the kind that likes to jump in, jump out and try to get that short term gain. Being busy with work and other activities, I do not have the time to monitor the ups and downs of the share market. Rather I aim for the long-term goal of increasing my capital and hopefully build a nest egg for future retirement. In addition, my funds are rather limited having to use my leftover salary for any funding of my KLSE activities.

I found that it is never easy to gauge when would be the right time to buy a stock, and when to let it go. If you are looking for that kind of information and skill, you have come to the wrong site. What I aim to do here is to find a way for a better return compared to the "very safe" fixed deposit (FD) which when set against the current inflationary rate, is actually real negative returns.

I have tried mutual funds, but so far their performance has been lack luster and only doing marginally better than FD. In some case it was far worse and got me negative returns and losing capital instead of gaining.

Rather than let those fund managers manage your hard earned funds and taking a big chunk in management fees, I have decided to pour my finances directly into the KLSE stock market. And so far that has been the best decision I have made yet.

Although I need to bear in mind about the global doom-and-gloom outlook which seemed to prevail in the daily news, some companies still do thrive. And the stronger blue chip companies are still a good buy despite what some of those stock market gurus about investing only in the blue chip and neglecting the penny stocks. I say stick back to the blue chips and you should be fairly alright as their fundamentals are strong and when you don't have the time to analyze the company in detail and going by gut instinct.

The information collected online here about KLSE market may or may not be useful, and the opinions and charts expressed here may or may not be accurate or correct. So you just have to make your own judgment and strategy. Who knows, you may do even better than me!

F&N Fraser and Neave

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